Ángel Martínez Arana

Ángel Sebastián Martínez Arana, a devoted father who was arrested for participating in the civic protests in the eastern neighborhoods of Managua along with his brothers

Ángel Martínez Arana is 23 years old and is originally from Managua. He is the father of 8-year-old twin girls and a 3-year-old girl. Ángel, has been the support of his three daughters, who are in the care of her parent, who tries to get support so that her daughters do not perish, while Ángel is unjustly in the “Jorge” Penitentiary System. Navarro” from Tipitapa.

Ángel Sebastián, the eldest of the Martínez Arana brothers, was captured along with his brothers Richard de Jesús and Adrián Alexander Martínez Arana, on August 29, 2018 for participating in the protests starting in April 2018, at the barricades located in the sector of the El Paraisito neighborhood in Managua. Ángel was released from prison on February 27, 2019.

On March 19, 2020, a police officer appeared at the home of Ángel and his brothers and told his mother that she wanted to speak with her three children. The policeman asked for photos, and Ángel’s mother, fearing the generalized repression by the police, was forced to let the police officer into her home, who told her that they only wanted to talk to Ángel and his friends. brothers, the officer proposed that they should become a member of the Sandinista Youth, when they refused, they were arrested that same day.

Ángel Martínez Arana, was subjected to an arbitrary criminal process, violating the publicity of the trial, the right to communicate with his defense, where the Public Ministry accused him of the crimes of organized crime, terrorism and aggravated robbery, related to the participation he exercised during the protests he was unjustly sentenced to 5 years in prison.

The mother of Adrián Martínez Arana, since the arrest of her and her other 2 children, has presented health problems, due to being unjustly imprisoned.

Freedom for Ángel Martínez Arana!

We demand from the Ortega-Murillo regime: Free Nicas Now!