Lázaro Ernesto Rivas

The father who could not walk at the parade at his young daughter’s graduation.

Lázaro Ernesto Rivas, 41 years old, is originally from Santo Domingo, Chontales and is a husband and devoted family man who has honestly dedicated himself to working from four in the morning moving brushwood (plant remains) with precious metal, for artisanal mining in two trucks owned by him.

On July 29, 2020, members of the Directorate of Special Operations of the National Police (DOEP), aboard three vans, proceeded to capture him for participating in peaceful protests and supporting the Peasant Movement. Five months later, on December 4, Lázaro’s little daughter paraded in her preschool graduation, along with her mother, dressed in a cap and gown. The girl proudly carried a frame with her father’s picture on it, up to the stage where she received her preschool diploma.

Lázaro is a prisoner in the Cuisalá Penitentiary System in the Department of Chontales, where he is unjustly serving a sentence of seven years in prison, for the common crime of aggravated robbery, in a trial that culminated a judicial process full of nullities and violations of his human rights, carried out by Judge Nela Gallardo.
In prison, Lázaro is suffering cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment by the jailers of the Chontales Penitentiary System, who have physically assaulted him, even causing injuries, for refusing to allow them to take photos of him, with spoiled food they provide him and that he refuses to eat.

Lázaro, is a beneficiary of Precautionary Measures, granted by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, which has requested the State of Nicaragua to adopt the necessary measures to protect his life, personal integrity and health, in the same way to guarantee that he is not subject to mistreatment, harassment and siege within the Penitentiary System, however the State of Nicaragua refuses to comply with the Commission’s decision.

Freedom for Lázaro Ernesto Rivas!

We demand to the Ortega-Murillo regime: Free Nicas Now!