Karla Vanessa Escobar

Karla Vanessa Escobar Maldonado’s health deteriorates

When the citizen demonstrations against Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo broke out in April 2018, Karla Vanessa Escobar Maldonado joined thousands of Nicaraguans to demand justice, freedom and democracy for Nicaragua.

Karla Vanesa was illegally detained by the police on two occasions, the first time on January 2, 2019 in the Fox neighborhood of Masaya, where she is from, after her house was raided, according to the IACHR statement 026 of February 2019. The Police publicly pointed her out for illegal possession of weapons, kidnapping and terrorism, but she was never formally prosecuted.

While she was detained on that first occasion, her family was the victim of persecution and siege by the regime’s police, who dispossessed them, after an illegal raid, of three motorcycles, two laptops, a tablet: an IPhone 4 and gold and silver jewelry; in addition to 2,000 dollars owned by Karla that were never returned.

In June 2019, she was released along with a group of 50 political prisoners, but the Police decided to keep her under surveillance by imposing alternative precautionary measures.

On October 14, 2020, Karla was doing gardening work in the patio of her house when the Police raided her house again and captured her,
They arbitrarily detained her and she was sentenced to 10 years in prison for drug trafficking, psychotropics and other controlled substances, by Judge Fátima Rosales, however, in her case the intention to criminalize her by falsifying the facts was evident, since even when Karla was captured at her home, authorities claimed she was found dealing drugs.

Karla suffers from chronic ailments that are aggravated by her poor condition in La Esperanza women’s prison. Karla is the mother of an 11-year-old boy.

The Ortega and Murillo regime refuses to evaluate the possibility of granting alternative measures to the deprivation of liberty, in accordance with its internal regulations and in light of the applicable Inter-American standards as recommended by the IACHR since November 2, 2020 in precautionary measures 489-20.

Freedom for Karla Vanessa Escobar!

We demand to the Ortega-Murillo regime: Free Nicas Now!