Róger Reyes

The lawyer who defended political prisoners

The last time that Róger Reyes was seen publicly was in a video that was published on social networks hours after the Ortega police captured him on August 20, 2021, almost 3 months after a violent hunt began against opponents, presidential candidates, journalists and students.

In his last words, he called for unity to do something against the regime that, at that time, had already captured 14 people in the context of the 2021 elections and kept them deprived of liberty. Reyes was a member of the Political Council of the Blue and White Unit, but above all he was a lawyer and decided to represent the presidential candidate Félix Maradiaga who was arbitrarily detained. Róger Reyes was arrested and physically assaulted, the police releasing him hours later.

Reyes is one of the 173 political prisoners who are unjustly imprisoned in the Evaristo Vásquez Judicial Complex in Managua, where he suffers from the poor diet to which he is subjected and the few hours of sunshine he is allowed, in addition to the fact that the regime allows visits from their relatives every 40 days or more.

In January 2022, after his wife was able to visit him in prison, it was learned that his health was deteriorating to the point that he was beginning to lose his memory. He was not able to remember his youngest daughter and everyday things like brushing his teeth.

The judiciary co-opted by the authoritarian Ortega regime, through Judge Félix Salmerón, sentenced him to 10 years in prison for conspiracy to commit the crime of undermining national integrity, but it also permanently inhibited him from running for public office, despite the fact that he has not committed any crime other than ensuring that the law was complied with in the processes against other prisoners policies.

Freedom for Róger Reyes!

We demand to the Ortega-Murillo regime: Free Nicas Now!