Luis Carlos Valle

Luis Carlos Valle: one of the prisoners with the longest time incarcerated

On July 3, 2018, the police of the Daniel Ortega regime captured Luis Carlos Valle Tinoco, 34 years old. He was subsequently charged with the crimes of aggravated robbery and illegal possession of firearms and sentenced to 8 years in prison.

In 2019, when dozens of political prisoners were released, Valle was never on the lists and since then he has been in the “La Modelo” Tipitapa Penitentiary System. His relatives told the media that he feels desperate and always asks how long he will be locked up there.

Her mother died of cancer when he was in prison for 23 days and the regime’s co-opted criminal justice system did not allow him to go see her in her last days or attend her funeral. A way to cause more suffering after he had been physically and psychologically tortured when he was in the preventive cells of the regime’s police.

In addition, like many political prisoners, he suffered severe symptoms of Covid-19. According to his relatives, he did not receive proper medical attention and his health deteriorated rapidly.

Luis Carlos did not commit any crime, he was a mason’s assistant and driver who decided to join the protests of April 2018 because he wanted to see a free and democratic Nicaragua, which is why he has been serving an unjust sentence for almost four years. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights granted him precautionary measures, calling on the State to consider the possibility of granting alternative measures to imprisonment, however, the State continues to ignore that call.

Freedom for Luis Carlos Valle!

We demand to the Ortega-Murillo regime: Free Nicas Now!