Bryan Kessler Alemán

Human rights violations against Bryan Kessler Alemán and his family

The family of Bryan Kessler Alemán, 31 years old, suffers from at least two sorrows: the capture of Bryan for political reasons ordered by the Ortega regime and the persecution suffered by his sister, who was forced to travel abroad to protect their freedom, life and personal integrity.

It was no wonder. In August 2020, the Police of the regime decided to recapture Bryan, who had previously spent six months in prison in 2019, for his participation in the 2018 protests, and was released. They arrested him while he was exercising in a gym in Managua.

After capturing him, they raided his home, forcing his 20-year-old sister to undress in front of the officers. while they raided the house where there were only three minors and a person with Down syndrome.

In fact, Bryan did not live in that house, but either way, the Police decided to enter, as well as in the house where he did live with his wife.

Bryan is a person who suffers from high blood pressure and also has heart problems. On November 18, 2020, it was learned that his health condition worsened to the point that the authorities of the “La Modelo” Penitentiary System had to take him to the Hospital Aleman. 

He has already served two years in prison and the judicial operators of the regime sentenced him, in a process in which the guarantees of due process were violated, to a total of six years in prison for trafficking narcotics, psychotropics and other controlled substances, completely ignoring his health condition.

Bryan Kessler Alemán has not committed any crimes. He is a political prisoner of the Nicaraguan regime because he participated in the 2018 demonstrations.

Freedom for Bryan Kessler Alemán! 

We demand to the Ortega-Murillo regime: Free Nicas Now!