Gustavo Mendoza

The unjust imprisonment of Gustavo Mendoza, who protested to defend the rights of his retired father and mother

The father and mother of Gustavo Adolfo Mendoza Beteta, who worked as a bricklayer, would be affected by the reforms to the Nicaraguan Social Security Institute (INSS) proposed by Daniel Ortega’s regime in April 2018, to defend the rights of his relatives, Gustavo joined the protests that year and was arbitrarily arrested on May 11.

During his detention he was beaten and taken to a police precinct in Managua, where police officers fractured his collarbone, he was prosecuted for the common crime of aggravated robbery, in a trial full of nullities.

On December 30, 2019, Gustavo, was released along with 90 other political prisoners, however, the ordeal did not end after his release and he continued to be besieged and harassed by members of the police and paramilitary groups who searched his wallet and cell phone when entering and leaving his home, in addition they did not respect the presence of his three young daughters who were afraid of the police officers.

On February 1, 2020, the police raided, without a warrant, the home of Gustavo Adolfo’s parents, and he was arrested for the second time and released two days later.

On July 29, 2020, he was arbitrarily detained for the third time by police officers who physically assaulted him, causing injuries to his face.  Since then, he was subjected to a criminal process full of illegalities for the crime of internal trafficking of narcotics, psychotropic and other controlled substances, being unjustly sentenced to 10 years in prison and 500 days fine.

Gustavo Adolfo Mendoza, has been the breadwinner of his family in his masonry work and for almost two years his three young daughters have been suffering the absence of their father and lack the necessary income to subsist.

Gustavo Adolfo Mendoza, is a beneficiary of Precautionary Measures, granted in May 2021, by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, who has reported that he is in the “La Modelo” Prison, in a small cell that he shares with 20 other people without the minimum conditions of hygiene since there would be no bathroom, drinking water, sunlight or ventilation, he would be sleeping on the floor and receiving raw food.

It is also reported that he has been subjected to aggressions and threats by prison officials and other state authorities.

Freedom for Gustavo Adolfo Mendoza!

We demand to the Ortega-Murillo regime: Free Nicas Now!