Jairo Lenin Centeno

Jairo Lenin Centeno, the mechanic political prisoner in Nicaragua

Jairo Lenin Centeno Rios is 33 years old. He is a native of León, a mechanic by trade, father of two girls and a boy. He was constantly besieged at his home by the police and watched by them to control his actions as a way of limiting him from exercising his civil and political rights. Because of the fact that he was an oppositionist, he could not normally work as a mechanic, his main source of income, to support his family, which led him to face serious economic problems.

He was imprisoned for the first time in 2018 and released on December 30, 2019, however the persecutions and sieges continued. He was arrested by the Police on October 17, 2020 in the city of Leon arbitrarily and illegally and without a warrant in a raid at his grandmother’s house.

He was accused by the co-opted criminal justice system in charge of the Public Ministry of the crime of Possession of Psychotropic Narcotics and other controlled substances, he was unjustly sentenced to 5 years and 6 months and to pay C$12,479.44 in a trial full of nullities where his right to due process was violated.

He is serving his unjust sentence in the Chinandega Penitentiary System.

Freedom for Jairo Lenín Centeno!

We demand to the Ortega-Murillo regime: Free Nicas Now!