Maycol Arce

Let’s avoid having Maycol Arce spend a fifth Christmas in prison

It was Christmas 2018, while many Nicaraguans were preparing to be with their families, the police of the Daniel Ortega regime decided that they could deprive 31-year-old Maycol Antonio Arce of that right, who by then was already the father of a newborn baby and a 5-year-old girl. 

Christmas at the Arce family house was not the same, there were no gifts, only sadness and separation. Since then, Maycol Arce has spent four Christmases in prison, away from his family. We demand that the regime release him and he not spend a fifth Christmas in prison.

Arce has not been able to see the baby grow up who is now almost four years old and a 9-year-old girl whose preschool graduation he was unable to attend in 2020.

The family’s ordeal began when Arce defended his uncle with a wooden stick so that the regime’s police would not arrest him in 2018, while they were sitting on the sidewalk of their house and a patrol that passed by the home told them that they would be searched for participating in the marches against the regime.

His mother denounced that at the time of arresting him, the policemen were suffocating him and caused an injury to his jaw that was not treated by a doctor and later some teeth became loose, added to the fact that he suffers from constant pain in the lower part of the jaw, face and head.

Through the Public Ministry, co-opted by the regime, he was accused of the crimes of attempted murder and obstruction of functions, he was sentenced by the Judiciary to 8 years in prison. The IACHR issued precautionary measures in his favor in November 2020, ruling that the possibility of alternative measures to prison be granted, however, the regime has ignored the call of the IACHR.

Freedom for Maycol Arce!

We demand to the Ortega-Murillo regime: Free Nicas Now!