Melba Damaris Hernández, presa política en Nicaragua

Melba Damaris Hernández

The psychologist detained for joining the peaceful protests

On August 28th, 2023, psychologist and activist Melba Damaris Hernandez saw how the Ortega Murillo regime’s police illegally entered her home to detain her even though it had been three years since she participated in the peaceful protest in the Central American University (UCA). 

Five police officers showed up at her home and violently took her to Police District III, where they usually transfer political prisoners before sending them to penitentiary centers. 

During the detention, the officers also accused her of supporting and hiding other political activists who had peacefully protested in the UCA.

Melba, 54 years old, actively participated in peaceful protests at the university and on the streets of Managua after the beginning of the political crisis in 2018, which currently affects Nicaragua.   

Media networks referred to her as a caring person who always advocated for people deprived of their liberty for political reasons in Nicaragua, in addition to providing assistance to young people who participated in the protests. 

A day after being kidnapped by the Ortega-Murillo regime’s police, she was transferred to the women’s jail “La Esperanza” and since then she has been illegally detained and tried for false accusation of drug trafficking. 

The IACHR Court informed that it was not until February 2024 that they allowed her family to bring her medication for treating her hyperthyroidism and by then her physical and emotional health had deteriorated. 

It has been reported that she occasionally had access to a sun patio and that her cell is infested with mosquitoes and they will not allow her to have gynecological check-ups.

It is known that she has been transferred to court three times, but has not been sentenced, and has not been allowed to have a lawyer to defend her, and no information is provided about these transfers or how her case is progressing. 

On November 18, 2023, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights issued cautionary measures in Melba Damaris’ favor and the other 9 people so the State of Nicaragua guarantees the rights to live, personal integrity, and health of these people. 

The IACHR Court also granted her provisional measures on July 2, 2024, and asked the Nicaraguan State to release her, a resolution that also benefited 24 other persons deprived of liberty for political reasons.

Despite all these appeals, the Ortega-Murillo regime keeps her imprisoned in inhumane conditions.

Freedom for Melba Damaris Hernández! 

We demand the Ortega-Murillo regime: Free Nicas Now!