Michael Caballero Ayala

Michael Caballero Ayala, the ex-policeman who refused to repress the population

Michael David Caballero Ayala, 31 years old, is originally from Managua, is married, and is the father of 2 children aged 5 and 8 years old. He was a member of the police, however he refused to repress people exercising their right to civic protest in April and following months of 2018. As a result, Michael requested his discharge from the National Police in the same year.

On November 18, 2018, while circulating in the company of his cousin, also a political prisoner Edgar Antonio Ayala, he was arbitrarily detained in the sector of the Managua Shopping Center by police from the Directorate of Special Operations (DOEP) and other paramilitary elements acting in coordination. According to information from the Police, through communiqué 14-2018, Michael and Edgar were allegedly riding a motorcycle and firearms were seized.

After being arbitrarily detained, his relatives did not receive any information about the cause of his detention or where he was being held. It was not until three days later that his relatives were able to know that he was detained in District 2 of the Police in Managua and that he was later transferred to the facilities of the Judicial Assistance Directorate “El Chipote”, which were by then in the area of the Military Hospital in the city of Managua.

Michael Caballero Ayala was subjected by the criminal justice system in charge of the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Judiciary to a criminal process in which the guarantees of due process were repeatedly violated, he was charged with the crimes of Murder and Serious Injuries, was convicted and sentenced to 22 years and 6 months in prison, which he is currently serving in the Jorge Navarro Penitentiary System, in Tipitapa.

After a year of being unjustly imprisoned, he suffered the death of his mother without the judicial and penitentiary authorities authorizing him to attend her funeral.

Freedom for Michael Caballero Ayala!  

We demand to the Ortega-Murillo regime: Free Nicas Now!