Michael Samorío

Michael Rodrigo Samorio Anderson, the prisoner for seeking justice for the death of his brother

Michael Samorio, 35 years old, originally from Managua, is the father of a daughter, he was dedicated to his small business in selling and repairing cell phones located in the Israel Lewites market in Managua.

The mourning for the murder of his brother Marcos Samorio Anderson on April 21, 2018, by police officers, motivated Michael to demand justice from social networks, where he received constant threats from people related to the government, who expressed that the same thing that happened to his brother would happen to him.

Michael was arbitrarily detained on February 20, 2020. He was accused, without legal grounds, by the Public Prosecutor’s Office for the crime of aggravated robbery and injuries and was sentenced to 7 years and 8 months in prison, sentence that has been confirmed in second instance by the Court of Appeals of Managua and that by resolution to cassation appeal has been confirmed by the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice, being exhausted the internal resources.

Michael is currently serving the unjust sentence in the Jorge Navarro Penitentiary System known as “la Modelo”. In May 2020, he presented symptoms associated with covid 19, such as loss of smell and taste, respiratory difficulty, cough and fever, without being able to receive proper medical attention.

Taking into account the situation of serious risk in which Michael finds himself, on November 2, 2020, the IACHR granted precautionary measures in his favor, along with 40 other political prisoners. This includes the adoption of the necessary measures to guarantee the right to life, personal integrity and health; the adoption of the necessary measures so that he can have access to special health assessments to determine and ensure that the necessary medical care is received and that the possibility of granting alternative measures to the deprivation of liberty will be evaluated.

Freedom for Michael Rodrigo Samorio Anderson!

We demand the Ortega regime: NicasLibresYa!