Richard Martínez Arana

Richard de Jesús Martínez Arana, a young worker who participated with his brothers in the civic protests.

Richard Martínez Arana, is 22 years old and is originally from Managua. Before being arrested, he worked in a mechanical straightening and painting workshop. Richard Martínez was captured along with his brothers Ángel Sebastián and Adrián Alexander for participating in the protests against…. as of April 2018, at the barricades located in the El Paraisito neighborhood sector in Managua.

Richard Martínez Arana was recaptured and subjected to an arbitrary criminal process, where the Public Ministry accused him of the crimes of organized crime, terrorism and aggravated robbery. He was later wrongly sentenced to 5 years in prison.

Adrián Martínez Arana’s mother, since her arrest and that of her brothers, has had health problems caused by the stress of so much injustice.

Freedom for Richard Martínez Arana!

We demand the Ortega-Murillo regime: FreeNicasNow!