Richard Alexander Saavedra

Richard Alexander Saavedra Cedeño: the prisoner because he refused to work with the CPCs, from his neighborhood

Richard Alexander Saavedra Cedeño, 35, is the father of two girls, a masonry assistant, and originally from a Managua neighborhood. Richard joined to actively participate in anti-government civic marches and protests starting in April 2018.

He was arrested on August 28, 2018. He was accused by the Public Ministry of the crimes of organized crime, obstruction of public services, aggravated robbery, and illegal possession of firearms or ammunition, for having been in charge of four roadblocks located in different neighborhoods of Managua.

Richard was released on May 19, 2019, “benefited”, by the Amnesty Law, however, his freedom did not last long since he was recaptured on August 26, 2018, the day the Police abruptly entered his house beating him him and his mother.

Later he was falsely denounced by a neighbor, a member of the Council of Citizen Power (CPC), for having refused to work with them. The Public Ministry accused him in a second trial for the alleged crime of aggravated robbery.

He was sentenced to 5 years and 6 months in prison by Judge Adela Cardoza. He is currently serving the unjust sentence in the Jorge Navarro Penitentiary System, known as “la Modelo”.

During Richard’s stay in prison, he has presented health problems, symptoms associated with Covid 19, vascular diseases and vomiting blood without properly receiving medical attention.

For his family, his imprisonment represents a martyrdom because Richard has been a devoted father to his daughters, who constantly ask about his father and want to see him back home.

Richard’s absence causes financial hardship for his family, as he can no longer provide. In order to make the visits and deliver parcels, they have had to resort to asking different people for help, sometimes obtaining negative responses.

Taking into account the situation of serious risk in which Richard finds himself, on November 2, 2020, the IACHR granted precautionary measures in his favor, along with 40 other political prisoners.

This includes that the necessary measures be adopted to guarantee the right to life, personal integrity and health, that the necessary measures be adopted so that he can access special health assessments to determine and ensure that the necessary medical attention is received and that the possibility of granting alternative measures to the deprivation of liberty will be evaluated.

Freedom for Richard Alexander Saavedra!

We demand from the Ortega regime: Free Nicas Now!