Wilber Antonio Prado Gutiérrez

Wilber Antonio Prado Gutiérrez was only asking for justice for the death of his cousin

Wilber Antonio Prado Gutiérrez, 36 years old, is the father of a 5 year old boy and has dedicated himself to working as a cab cadet. He has been a responsible father and the breadwinner of his family.

For the Ortega-Murillo regime, his crime was protesting at the barricades and in civic marches, and demanding justice for the death of his cousin Jimmy Parajón Gutiérrez, who was barricaded in the Upoli and was killed in May 2018.

Wilber was captured for the first time on September 3, 2018 and was released on April 5, 2019 under the “family coexistence regime”, by which they have the possibility to live in freedom and together with their family and continue under the control of the prison authorities.

After his release, he continued to be harassed and threatened by the police for demanding justice for the death of his cousin and was recaptured again on January 19, 2020, accused by the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the crime of attempted homicide, arson, and illegal possession of weapons. He was unjustly prosecuted in a trial with restriction of publicity and without granting the defense adequate time and means, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison.

He is currently serving his sentence in the Jorge Navarro Penitentiary System, known as “La Modelo”. He has kidney disease, for which he has not received specialized medical attention or adequate medication on a regular basis.

As in most cases of children of persons deprived of liberty for political reasons, the absence of their father has left psychological sequels to Wilber’s children, who still do not understand why he is in prison.

Taking into account the serious risk situation in which Wilber finds himself, on November 2, 2020, the IACHR granted precautionary measures in his favor, along with 40 other political prisoners.

This includes the adoption of the necessary measures to guarantee the right to life, personal integrity and health, the adoption of the necessary measures so that he can have access to special health assessments to determine and ensure that the necessary medical care is received, and the evaluation of the possibility of granting alternative measures to the deprivation of liberty, measures that have not been complied with.

Freedom for Wilber Antonio Prado Gutiérrez!

We demand the Ortega regime: Free Nicas Now!