Harry Chávez

Harry Chávez, the economist expert on electoral issues tried in a cell

It was 7:20 at night on November 6, the eve of the general elections in which Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo were fraudulently re-elected for a fourth consecutive term in government, after having imprisoned 7 presidential candidates.

Two men dressed in civilian clothes, sheltered by darkness, knocked on the door of the house of the economist Harry Chávez. They identified themselves as policemen from the Directorate of Judicial Assistance and told him that he had to accompany them to answer some questions and that he would later return to his home.

They lied to him. He never came back. Since that day he has been on the list of political prisoners of the regime who are in the “La Modelo” Penitentiary System. Harry, 67, was sentenced by Judge Nadia Tardencilla to 10 years in prison and disqualification from holding public office for the false crimes of conspiracy to undermine national integrity and spread of false news.

His knowledge led him to occupy important positions within different civil society organizations and by 2017, the year in which he was retiring, he held the position of coordinator of the Electoral Program of the Institute for Development and Democracy (Ipade), raided by the regime in 2018 and whose legal status was canceled.

According to information compiled by Articulo 66, Harry Chávez is accused of having published on social networks about the Renacer Law, approved in the United States to sanction the regime, which is why Law 1055 and the Special Cybercrime Law were applied to him, laws that are appealed as unconstitutional and that are not in accordance with international human rights standards.

Freedom for Harry Chavez! 

We demand to the Ortega-Murillo regime: Free Nicas Now!