Carlos López Cano

Carlos López Cano, in prison for transporting water and food for the protesters

Carlos López Cano, 30 years old, originally from the city of León, worked as a driver of a tricycle known as “caponera”, offering his services to transport his clients from one place to another in the city. Carlos actively participated in the protests starting in April 2018, taking humanitarian aid, such as food and water, to the people protesting at the roadblocks in the city of Leon.

Due to the denunciation of his neighboring political secretary of the governing party, he was arrested on May 22, 2019 and accused by the Public Prosecutor’s Office for the crime of aggravated rape for which he was sentenced to 16 years in prison by Judge Luis Felipe Palma. During the process, despite the existence of a forensic psychologist’s report that concluded that it was necessary to perform a forensic psychiatric report on the victim, the Public Prosecutor’s Office did not complete the investigation and Judge Palma issued a guilty verdict despite the insufficient evidence.

Carlos López is serving his sentence in the Chinandega Penitentiary System. His relatives have denounced that he has presented health problems: hypertension, kidney problems and anemia without the prison authorities allowing him to receive the necessary specialized medical attention.

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) granted him precautionary measures in November 2020, along with 40 other political prisoners, where it resolved that the State of Nicaragua should adopt the possibility of alternative measures to the deprivation of liberty, but the regime has refused to comply with them.

Freedom for Carlos López Cano!

We demand the Ortega-Murillo regime: NicasLibresYa!