Mauricio Valencia

A mother who lives from charity because her son is a political prisoner

Mauricio Valencia, 42 years old, was working in a shoe store in Masaya when he saw how the police of the Ortega regime and his paramilitaries murdered the young people of the city who had joined the protests in April 2018. Outraged, he also decided to join the demonstrations until he was captured on July 2, 2019.

Valencia lived with his mother, his sister and a niece whom he supported with the money he managed to get from the shoe store and now the family is experiencing economic difficulties to the point that on occasions they have had to endure hunger and live off what other residents give them.

Judge William Howard López, operator of the regime, sentenced him to 7 years in prison and a 400-day fine for considering that he committed the crime of manufacturing, trafficking, possession and use of restricted weapons, explosive substances or devices. A crime that has been used to convict political prisoners who participated in the protests since 2018.

His family visited him for the last time on May 5, 2022 in the Granada Penitentiary System where he is serving the unjust sentence that was imposed on him and they found him in very poor health, which is why his family reminds that he has not committed any crime and they demand that he be released so they could take him to a doctor.

The IACHR issued precautionary measures in his favor, determining that the State grant the possibility of alternative measures, however the regime has ignored them.

Freedom for Mauricio Valencia!

We demand to the Ortega-Murillo regime: NicasLibresYa!